Product news and updates
Product update

Introducing “Spaces” - a simple way to map your entire building portfolio

Product avatar
Shared by Product • August 26, 2024

We’re updating how you view your devices within your buildings. This new concept, Spaces, introduces a new layer within your buildings.

Using Spaces is simple. You simply create Spaces for the rooms or areas you plan to monitor, and then add devices to each Space as a separate step. This enables you to prepare installations in advance, mapping out the spaces to be monitored.

That’s not all – alongside Spaces, we’re also introducing a new and improved overview of the latest values together with a new graph experience.

Learn more

New feature

Air Exchange Rate – New virtual sensor

Mikael avatar
Shared by Mikael • January 30, 2024

Assess ventilation performance in your building with our new virtual sensor!

Air Exchange Rate serves as a gauge of a building's ventilation efficiency and is quantified as air changes per hour (ACH) or cubic meters per hour (m³/h). The latter is only available in the API as of now.

A high air exchange rate generally corresponds to better ventilation. Numerous building codes and standards stipulate requirements for minimum ventilation rates.

➡️ Learn more.

New product

Introducing Space Nano

Carl avatar
Shared by Carl • January 30, 2024

Space Nano is the most compact, resilient, and cost-effective way to monitor hard-to-reach and unoccupied spaces in your building, such as behind walls, in-duct, or in storage areas and basements. Maintaining the right indoor environment in commercial spaces is never easy, especially when valuable assets or hard-to-reach locations need precise conditions to maintain their quality and safety.

Space Nano's key features:

  1. Resilient: IP64-rated, and designed to withstand extreme temperatures and high humidity, Space Nano monitors buildings and assets, regardless of conditions.
  2. Cost-effective and sustainable: Coming in a 2-pack and with up to 20 years battery life, Space Nano helps save on maintenance costs.
  3. Simple to install and scalable: Effortlessly integrate Space Nano into your building portfolio thanks to fully wireless connectivity and simple connection to the Airthings for Business Dashboard.
  4. Capable: Measure temperature, humidity, lux, pressure, and mold risk via the virtual Mold Risk Indicator, providing data to drive better decision-making

Take monitoring your indoor environment to the next level today!

Learn more

New feature

🔍 Introducing Space Utilization insights

Mikael avatar
Shared by Mikael • January 30, 2024

Introducing Space Utilization Insights! Say goodbye to guessing when different parts of your buildings are in use.

Wondering which day of the week is the busiest in your building? Curious about usage patterns on Fridays? Want to know which spaces are popular and which are rarely used?

Try it out for yourself 🚀

Just head over to the new Space Usage section in the Building Insights tab. Here's what you'll find:

  1. Building usage trend: Get an overview of the weekly usage pattern based on the past 4 weeks.
  2. Usage over time: A calendar heat map displaying the usage over the past 30 days or a timeframe you choose.
  3. Usage by space: Discover the most and least used areas in your building.
  4. Deep dive into details: Select specific dates or spaces on the graph to explore individual days or areas. You can even filter the information by floor or room type.

We value your feedback! Let us know what you think 😀

New feature

👥 Presence and Occupancy virtual sensor

Mikael avatar
Shared by Mikael • January 30, 2024

The occupancy beta feature is now ready to release for all devices! For this we've improved the calculations and split it into two virtual sensors presented together:

  • The presence sensor shows for how long a room is used over time, updated every 5 minutes. This is meant for understanding long term trends, not instant values.
  • By entering room size in device settings, the occupancy sensor will appear with the presence graph. This shows the range of people in that time frame, so between 4-10 people for example.

For this virtual sensor, opening hours in your building are required. We also note that buildings with natural ventilation will have a lower accuracy due to irregular ventilation rates.

Read more at our help article.

We are continuously improving this sensor, so let us know of any issues you may encounter. We're happy to hear you feedback.

New feature

📂 Export all device data per building at once

Mikael avatar
Shared by Mikael • January 30, 2024

It's now possible to export the device data for a whole building with the click of a button!

Under the Devices tab, you can export all data into a CSV. Select a time frame and which sensors you want to export. After some time, you will receive an email from where you can download the file. The file will most likely be too large for for traditional spreadsheet software. In those cases we recommend larger data analytic tools to work with the data.

⬇️ Downloading data per device is still possible on the device page. Happy exporting!

New feature

Energy Efficiency Toolkit 🔥❄️

Mikael avatar
Shared by Mikael • January 30, 2024

Heating and cooling are major sources of energy waste, particularly when no people are present in buildings. Are you using energy to heat or cool any rooms or areas in your buildings outside opening hours? Now you can find out with our Heating & Cooling feature, to identify when heating or cooling might be running when it should be reduced to save energy.

You'll find this under each building in a new Insights tab, labelled Energy. In the graph itself, you can select a day to see which devices had events. This can be expanded to see the device's indoor and outdoor temperature graphs.

Read more about it in this help article, and give us feedback in the feature itself.

New feature

See what buildings need attention in seconds 🎉

Mikael avatar
Shared by Mikael • January 30, 2024

With a large portfolio of buildings it can be a struggle to get an overview of what buildings should be investigated. Which ones have seen high CO2 levels in the past week? Or if temperatures were outside the ideal range in the past month? These types of questions can now be answered using our new time over threshold trends on our building overview 🎉

Try it yourself

  • Go to your building overview
  • Select a sensor and desired threshold.
  • Compare how your buildings are doing based on selected threshold
  • Select data from today, yesterday, last 7 or 30 days - or up to 31 custom days in total

New feature

⚠️ Stay in control with our upgraded device status pages

Mikael avatar
Shared by Mikael • January 30, 2024

We've evolved our device status pages to make it even easier to monitor during installations and keep the fleet of devices online over time.

Sounds good. So what's new?

  • Simplified table design listing devices and hubs with issues.
  • You can expand offline hubs and devices in individual buildings directly from the status overview page.
  • Now also showing devices and hubs that seem to struggle with connection issues.
  • Investigate specific devices or hubs with issues for detailed troubleshooting.

New feature

A weekly email summary for all your buildings 💌

Mikael avatar
Shared by Mikael • January 30, 2024

With a portfolio of buildings to manage it can be hard to stay on top of everything. Are there issues with air quality? And if yes, what buildings and rooms are affected? Using our time over thresholds feature, you can now receive a weekly email summary to stay on top of what matters.

Go to your buildings page and select “Email summary” in the top right to enable your weekly email. Select who should get it (users with access to specific buildings will only see data from these) and what sensors and thresholds you care about.

Staying on top of what matters across your buildings have never been easier 💌